About Our Nursery
How we learn at Tiddlers
At Tiddlers we follow the ethos ‘learning through play’. Each child is allocated a keyperson who is responsible for overseeing the learning and development of each child. They will observe and talk to the child, noting their interests, likes and dislikes and their stage of development. The keyperson then uses this information, along with any information gathered from home, parents or other nursery staff to plan a range of fun and exciting learning opportunities specifically designed to aid the learning and development of that child.
These planned activities are then put into a planning sheet which details the activities and toys/equipment we will be putting out in the nursery for the children to experience. Our activities and experiences range from putting cars out with a car mat to going on a welly walk to discover bugs, looking at characters in story books to painting huge boxes to make a castle and much, much more!
Each activity may be planned to meet the needs of one particular child but this does not mean that the other children in the nursery won’t be able to have a go and use that activity to enhance their learning. Our skilful keyworkers can turn even the simplest of toys into a learning opportunity for a range of different children of all ages and stages. For example, the wooden bricks could be planned for a child who is working on balancing and building but they could also be used to count, sort, look at colours and shapes, by adding small world people we could make houses, or a train, find some crayons and paper so we can draw round them, talk about what they are made of – the possibilities are endless!!
For our children who are going to school next September and for any others that are ready, we will be working hard on all the important skills they will need for school – using the toilet independently, recognising their name, listening skills etc. As the year progresses we will start a rising five group.
There are many different names for organisations that care for children under school age – nurseries, playgroups, preschool etc. We all follow the same curriculum and use the same Early Years documentation to provide care and education for all children. There are of course variations in how this is delivered but the end result, should be the same.
Each child has a learning journey which we will be sending home regularly. In these books we keep records of your childs learning and achievements. This is through a mixture of photographs, observations, childrens work, things brought in from home such as postcards, photos and much more. If you would like to see or add to your childs learning journey let us know – we are sure your child would love to share it with you!